Upcoming Events
If you would like to take part in a Holyland event or if you would like Holyland to host an event for you, please contact us! We do not charge for booths or charge to advertise on our web page. If admission to your event is fee based, we ask for a percentage donation to Holyland.
Information that we need:
Name of Company
Name of the contact person
Telephone number
Date/Times, or which event you would like to join
How many people will be helping you with your event
We do ask that you give us a two months notice. If you have any questions please feel free to contact Angela at 920-915-2873 or email [email protected]
Information that we need:
Name of Company
Name of the contact person
Telephone number
Date/Times, or which event you would like to join
How many people will be helping you with your event
We do ask that you give us a two months notice. If you have any questions please feel free to contact Angela at 920-915-2873 or email [email protected]
Find and follow Holyland on Facebook to stay up to date with the daily happenings and current events!